

Formações Especializadas

A One Clinic diferencia-se pela formação em implantologia oral que proporcionamos mundialmente aos médicos dentistas através do nosso joint venture com o grupo MMS Group (Miami Medical Seminars).

MMS, Miami Medical Seminars é um projeto que nasce em 2009 como membro da educação contínua da Divisão de Cirurgia Maxilofacial da Universidade de Miami, ao longo destes anos a MMS esteve presente em 36 países e realizou 72 cursos.

Nos cursos MMS são lecionadas as mais atuais técnicas cirúrgicas na área da cirurgia maxilofacial e Implantologia dentária, abrangendo temas como a regeneração óssea, manipulação de tecidos moles e cirurgia estética periodontal.


Dr. Alejandro Vivas DDS MS

Cirurgia Oral & Maxilo-Facial

Dr. Bassam Rabie BDS

Prostodontia & Perio-Implantes

Dr. Jesus Gomez Perez DDS

Cirurgia Oral & Maxilo-Facial



"Wonderful learning experience. We rediscovered dentistry implants and bone grafting from the basics of stem cells to the pinnacle of surgical innovation. The entire tree of restoration from root to leaf of seemingly impossible cases repainted with knowledge, experience & innovative endeavour. 


This would certainly bear fruit of patients being treated at the next level where normally dentists would refuse the case and say this is all u can have for this jaw."

Dhavneet Singh Dheer

"I’m very grateful to have met you, the most professional profs. It was a unique and priceless experience to participate in this conference with experts like you.  

Best Regards Dr. Alejandro Vivas Rojo , Dr. Bassam Farouk Rabie , Dr. Jesus Gomez"

Malak Nehme

"Once again... The best course in the world with the most amazing mentors... Superb hospitality...


Superb knowledge sharing ... and such epitome of implantology...Dr. Alejandro Vivas Rojo and Dr Bassam Farouk Rabie... 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻...


Thank you for everything... see you soon...."

Dr. Siddharth Malhotra

"Thank you very much Dr. Alejandro Vivas Rojo and Dr. Bassam Farouk Rabie for such a fruitful course. 


I really enjoyed and learned a lot just benign around you. Can't wait to see you again" 

Mohamed Yousef